Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life
Be Set Free Fast
Instantly download or stream Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life
with Kimberly Michelle in these guided audio sessions
Are you ready to try something new to heal your mind?
Tell me...
Do you lie awake at night unable to sleep because your mind is racing?
Is stress destroying your relationships, your job, your life?
Do you feel guilty for not having more patience with your children?
Is your self-confidence and body image distorted and needing a boost?
If you want relief from life's stress & frustrations you are in the right place!
These techniques are a lifeline to help rescue you, to pull you out of despair and ease your negative emotions, all with one tiny word and very powerful subconscious instructions.
Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) gets right down to the root cause of the problems and eliminates them so it doesn't cause you anymore distress.
"I started with a goal to heal my anxiety.
But what I ended up with was a brand new life!"
Use Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) to Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life. You can do all of this and more:
- Overcome your negative feelings of anxiety, stress, or overwhelm
- Change unwanted behaviours and habits
- Replace negative thoughts with life enhancing ones
- Relieve the emotional contributors to physical pain
- Overcome resistance to change
- Relieve past traumas
- Lose weight and let go of the fear, shame , and guilt around food
- Eliminate phobias and fears
- Reduce adrenaline, cortisol, and nor-epinephrine, calm the stress response
and allow the body to naturally heal itself
"These sessions helped in my marriage, my parenting frustrations, and my financial concerns. I'm motivated, inspired, and I'm actually sleeping through the night for the first time in years!"
Not Familiar With BSFF?
Check out this webinar explaining everything there is to know!
Heal your negative emotions, limiting beliefs and Universal issues quickly and easily!
You can find relaxation, confidence, and happiness in all areas of your life.
Dr. Larry Nims created BSFF and the subconscious instructions used in this program. Almost instantly eliminate all of the emotional roots and belief systems to the problems which are stored in the subconscious mind. Communicate directly with the subconscious mind and conditioning it to respond to a cue that you choose. Your cue is a single word. When you use it, it signals your subconscious to act on these instructions it has received through the technique, enabling it to get rid of dysfunctional emotions and beliefs.
In other words, Be Set Free Fast gets right down to the root cause of the problems and gets rid of them so it doesn't cause you issues anymore.
I applied Dr. Nims' protocol to 216 pages of Universal Issues, and created 3 healing hours of universal scripts.
Universal Issues are things the majority of us have experienced, frustrations and stress over things like relationships, finances, our health, moving etc. Once you heal the Universal Issues you can then focus on healing person-specific ones much quicker and easier.
You can see the playlist and each topic covered in the sessions in the image below.
I'm offering you Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life
Subconscious Instructions and
3 Sessions of Clearing Universal Issues
Using Be Set Free Fast
Stream the session right to your device (or download
it for offline listening), stereo headphones are
recommended as the program is layered with
Theta Binaural Beats for extra stress reduction.
You'll receive:
A digital copy of the program
Subconscious Instructions & 3 BSFF Sessions
Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life - $497 On Sale Limited Time $147!​
Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life
Track 1 - Subconscious Instructions
Track 2 - Session 1
Track 3 - Session 2
Track 4 - Session 3

"For those of. you looking into Kim's Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life program, I cannot speak highly enough regarding the subconscious level of clearing that has & is taking place regarding any blocks I have carried throughout my life. These blocks have stemmed from financial abundance, to self worth and acceptance which were all covered within her program and since being cleared has allowed me to move to the next phase of my life where I am able to stand in my power and smile at all the opportunities available. During her clearings/activations I was able to physically relax and enjoy the calm provided throughout each session while also feeling a variety physical releases which only further validated the success of these treatments. Thank you Kim for creating such an amazing program and sharing your gifts as you have positively impacted my life and for this I am forever grateful! Love & Light" - M.B.
- Increase the positive hormones to heal your body DHEA
- Increase your tolerance, compassion, and patience
- Boost your creativity and be inspired
- Positively change the dynamics to all of your relationships
- Create loving and healthy partnerships
- Make money and achieve your dreams
- Enhance the ability to love, succeed, and enjoy life
- Learn to transform your negative feelings into neutral or positive
- Quickly and easily return to your inner peace anytime you choose

Still not sure if this is right for you?
Here what others have to say about Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life:
"I can personally say these tools are life changing. The day I was asked to interview for my new job I had a horrible panic attack. Feelings of insecurity, nervousness, overwhelm, and fear were all twisted into my over the moon excitement. I was terrified I would "blow" my life changing opportunity. I called Kimberly Michelle shaking and in tears, for help. After a 15 minute session she helped me clear my blocks and my tears turned to smiles and giggles. I was able to enjoy the 'rush' and excitement without all the negative emotions. It was the most incredible experience! I am now using her program to focus on other areas of my life." - C.N.
PS - she rocked her interview (notice it said new job, she got it!)
"I am typically fraught with nerves before a performance, so I sought out Kim for help. She wrote me a script that was PERFECT. When I began to feel anxious, I used my cue word, and much to my grateful surprise I was calm! Thank you such, Kim!" - T.R.
"BSFF is my secret weapon to dealing with emotional overwhelm. I highly recommend trying her program!" - Anonymous
On her Fibromyalgia relief -
"Kim, I just wanted to let you know that I went on a 2.5 hour hike that was basically straight down, then straight up hill. And I did it at a "normal" pace. My pain didn't slow me down. My asthma was a bit of a pain in the a$$ but I was able to walk the hike and not end up doing a snails pace after the first 20 minutes as was the case the last couple of summers. BSFF has really helped my pain. XO" - P.M.
"During my session I experienced an energy release that I could physically feel, my shoulders relax and drop. I think doing it again with proper stereo headphones and re-listening to the scripts will be powerful and healing."- Anonymous
"I really enjoyed this program! I haven't tried it while sleeping yet (need to load it on my ipod), but when I listened through all of the sessions, I felt a huge improvement in my mood. I can see using this throughout my lifetime."- J.
BSFF is not usually something others have heard of before. Trying new things can be intimidating, and spending money on an unknown can be a crapshoot, I want you to feel confident that this is going to be a great fit. So I'm offering you a FREE preview. It is the shorter version of the subconscious instructions - so you can setup up your cue word now. And then sample scripts so you can see how the full program will work. I say a script like "I'd like to do a treatment for the things standing in my way of speaking confidently in front of others" and then the prompt for you to say your word with "Cue" and you say your cue word.
Your cue word can be anything, it is suggested that you pick a word that has a positive meaning for you. I recommend you pick a one syllable word - my first one was 3 syllables and I was tongue tied by the end of the first hour, ha! Here are a few examples of cue words: Calm, Blue, Sun, Hottub, Breathe, Namaste, Let Go, Free, Love. It really can be anything. Do you have one in mind? Perfect! Now listen to the preview below, when prompted "Please say your cue word now", you are going to say outloud the word you've picked. It is layered with Theta Binaural Beats for an extra layer of relaxation, stereo headphones are required, and as this is deeply relaxing please only listen when you are in a safe and comfortable space, users often report falling asleep.
Would you be interested in giving yourself...
Mutually satisfying relationships
More patience for parenting
Following your dreams, purpose into a wonderful future
Balance, peace and harmony to every aspect of your life
Confidence in self-esteem and self-worth
What are you waiting for?
I want you to live stress and anxiety free too!
Heal your negative emotions, limiting beliefs and Universal issues.
*Conditions apply
Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.